Thursday, November 12, 2009

new words found in chapters 9-13

scurry-to go or move quickly or in haste
tantrums-a violent demonstration of rage or frustration; a sudden burst of ill temper.
sulk-to remain silent or hold oneself aloof in a sullen, ill-humored, or offended mood
fixate-to fix; make stable or stationary.
moonbeams-ray of moonlight.
whimpers-to cry with low, plaintive, broken sounds
cringes-to shrink, bend, or crouch, esp. in fear or servility; cower.
daggers-a short, swordlike weapon with a pointed blade and a handle, used for stabbing.
calluses-a hardened or thickened part of the skin; a callosity
clenched-to close (the hands, teeth, etc.) tightly.
shrivel-to contract and wrinkle, as from great heat, cold, or dryness.
twat- outcome

1 comment:

  1. On this list, I knew none of the words, and it's really funny how when I was reading this book alone, these are some of the exact words that I had trouble with. I have to say that my favorite word on this list is twat, which is an outcome.
