Friday, November 13, 2009

The streets of Phnom Penh

As I read the first page of the book, i noticed how descriptive the author was towards the setting of Phnom Penh and the people that live there. "Already at 6 a.m people in Phnom Penh are rushing and bumping into each other on dusty, narrow side streets. Waiters and waitresses in black and white uniforms swing open shop doors as the aroma of noodle soup greets waiting customers". This following passage showed how the streets of Phnom penh is on daily day and how the people there start off their day with work. It gives a good Description about Phnom Penh.


  1. this reminds me of how people get around in the airport, everyone is rushing and everyone has a final destination they have to reach. the narrow street remind me of heavy traffic and lots of noise

  2. This remind me of when I go to the airport how everyone is rushing everywhere. It also reminds me of when I go to flushing late in the afternoon how everyone is rushing and pushing each other.

  3. This post reminds me of a normal day in NYC. It's loud, lot's of traffic, and a lot of people. Though come to think of it, no day in NYC is a normal day.
